Monto 2

Monto Water Tank Art, Australian Silo Art trail
Photo by: ASAT

Monto Water Tank Art - Queensland

Artist: Karen Gross

Location: 2 Bourke Street, Monto, QLD

Photos by: James Gard & ASAT

The Three Moon Creek Legend

According to local legend, naming of the Three Moon Creek recalls the early days of the exploration of the Monto District. There are many different accounts of who saw the three moons.

Karen Gross, the artists writes:

'The version I have painted is: A traveller was passing through this area. At nightfall he set up his camp and went to the creek to fill his billy. At the moment of drawing the water he caught for an instant the reflection of the moon in the billy and in the creek and then looked up to see it also in the sky, at which point he exclaimed that there were three moons.

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