Monto 1

Photo by: ASAT

Monto Water Tank Art - Queensland

Artist: Debbie Wait

Location: 2 Burke Street, Monto, QLD

Photos by: ASAT & James Gard

Monto means 'Ridgy Plains'

Painted by Debbie Wait in an unknown year.

'This mural deicts Monto's 1920's settlement. Early settlers lived in both slab and bark huts. Scrub was cleared , fences erected, crop planted and horses pulled loaded wagons. A dog watches his master while the Goanna sunbakes on a rock. The windmill turns in the breeze, the old man of the mountain towers over pristine rainforest and magical dripping rock, colourful birds dart through the trees while wallabies rest in the shade of overhanging rock' . Source: sign at the water tank.

Ben Learmont's version of Monto Midday Plains in the 1920's won the competition organised by the Monto RADF Committee. Debbie was given the opportunity of painting the mural from Ben's drawing.

Additional Information

Parking is not an issue at this site for both caravans and cars.

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