In 1998, the Millmerran Water Reservoir mural was commissioned by the Millmerran Shire Tourism & Progress Association and fully funded by the Millmerran Shire Council. The mural was designed and painted by Jon Signs, an artist from Toowoomba, and became a significant landmark in the area. The artwork was later touched up in 2013 to ensure it remained vibrant and in good condition for future generations to enjoy.
The history of Millmerran's water supply dates back to the early days of European settlement. In 1881, the town’s early settlers sourced water from holes in the creek situated next to the current location of the reservoir. This creek was named Back Creek, as it was positioned on Yandilla Station, and it was at this spot that the foundation for the township of Millmerran was established.
In 1900, William Baillie of Tummaville used a horse-drawn scoop to excavate a dam located just north of the creek. Remarkably, on the very day the dam was completed, a storm arrived, dumping 100mm of rain and filling the dam to capacity. In the early years, the town relied on Douglas hand pumps and horse-drawn drays to transport water.
Over time, the water infrastructure improved, with semi-rotary and, eventually, double-acting pumps and motorized tankers taking over the labor-intensive methods.
By 1927, a bore was drilled between the dam and Back Creek, but it only produced water that was suitable for stock, not for human consumption. Equipped with a windmill and a large tank on high blocks, it served its purpose for some time.
A more reliable water source came in 1958 when a bore that produced clean, drinkable water was established just east of the Condamine River along the Millmerran/Toowoomba Road, this marked a significant improvement in the town’s water supply.
Then, in 1962, a pipeline was laid to a newly constructed standpipe tank just west of the town.
Standing 23 meters high and 8 meters in diameter, the tank had the capacity to hold 1,365 megalitres of water. This improvement allowed water to be piped directly into every household in the area.
In 1981, further expansion of the water infrastructure took place with the construction of the Millmerran Reservoir, adding another 2.5 megalitres to the overall storage capacity. The reticulation and pumping systems were modernized and are now fully monitored and controlled by a computerized telemetry system, ensuring a steady and reliable water supply for the town.
The Millmerran Water Tank, with its vibrant mural, is situated prominently by the roadside, making it highly visible from a distance. For visitors, there is ample parking available on the verge, and a designated parking area next to the tank offers plenty of space for both cars and caravans. The tank is securely fenced but can be easily viewed from all sides, allowing visitors to appreciate the artwork and learn more about the history of Millmerran's water supply.
This water tank, along with its mural, serves as both a historical marker and an artistic piece, reflecting the growth and development of the town. It stands as a testament to the progress made in the region's water infrastructure and the community's resilience in adapting to the challenges posed by its natural environment.