The Lake Cargelligo Water Tank Art was Completed by Artist Heesco Khosnaran who was assisted by @erinhaywoodart & Damien Mitchell in April 2022.
After about 2 years of work by the Lakes Alive Lake Cargelligo Progress Association, the circular mural came to fruition. The ideas came from townspeople submitting their ideas which were compiled and sent to the artist Heesco who was commissioned to paint the mural.
The community was surveyed from 4 ideas from Heesco. The final result combines history and current day. Funding for the mural was from a grant from Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR.)
The bullock team is a record breaking load of wool carted by the Meadows family (led by Joseph Thomas Meadows) from a large property Merri- Merrigal . The hotel was the original Royal Mail Hotel which burned down. It was rebuilt in the location where it stands today.
The top section features birds found in this area. The major Mitchell and the Red-lored Whistler.
Lake Cargelligo is a small rural town in the middle of NSW, situated 113 km North of Griffith & 93 km South West of Condobolin showing scenery, beautiful sunsets and the colours of the earth.
The water tower was decommissioned several years ago. Lachlan Shire Council owned the land and was supportive of Lakes Alive Lake Cargelligo Progress endeavors.