
Photo by: Mike Makatron

Delahey Water Tank Art - Victoria

185 Kings Road Delahey Village Victoria.

Photos by Judy Bradley

This tank was painted around April 2021 by Mike Makatron & Conrad Bizjak.

In an unusual step, the artists reached out to the local community, asking people to submit images of their eyes, which the artists then transferred in their own way onto this tank.

 On Mike's Instagram page, he shares the story of one woman who submitted her eyes to be included, they were severely bruised as she had recently been attacked by a random stranger close to her front door. Her story was so inspiring to Mike that he featured a snippet of her letter on his page.

What struck me deeply as a victim was the impact of housing and carrying the anger of another person on my body. I did not ask for this or do anything to deserve this violence and injury, yet I was left with the physical and emotional burden of someone else's problem. I reported this incident to the police and tried desperately to find any evidence or CCTV to find this perpetrator, but unfortunately, I never found any resolution on this matter.

If I ever had the chance to meet this person I would not be mad or angry with them, I would love to sit with them in a safe place with people around to support and protect me and try to understand what went wrong in their life and why they carry so much anger to walk up to a group of people and attack them, and to punch a female stranger in the face. Treating this person with anger on top of their own anger won't work. We need more compassion and understanding in this world to move forward.

But...I don't see how I can ever resolve this matter and find out who the aggressor was. So for now, sharing my story and contributing to the artistic spaces of our communities can help heal this pain and feel some inner peace.

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